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LHM Signals is our custom integration with Bitfocus Companion app. Our goal is to help with automation of predictable, in-game events. Signals take care of that, and allow to trigger Companion buttons on specified game events.

Supported games

  • Counter-Strike 2
  • League of Legends
  • Dota 2
  • Valorant


To create event, go to Signals tab, and click Add Event button. New entry should appear. You can now specify which event you want to trigger automatically. Available events depend on the current game.

Most events happen in relation to player or a team. Depending which event you choose, you will be able to filter given event. If event is about a player, you can check which player it is. If event is about a team, you can filter it by side (ex. CT / T, Dire / Radiant), orientation (left / right), or specific team from LHM database (ex. to trigger animation dedicated for given team).

To finish setting up event, fill Page / Col / Row information from the Companion, so LHM knows which button to click.

At the end, click Save to finalize changes, and Activate button, to initiate current preset.


Preset is a dedicated list of events. If available, user can create unlimited amount of presets, in other cases, only Default is available. Each preset can be activated separately, allowing for grouping event triggers by certain topic and toggling them depending on user's needs.


Branches are additonal option to "split" one event to multiple outgoing signals. Each "split" can have its own address, and its own filtering. It can be used to trigger team-based animations - for example, Round End could have 4 branches, with filters Team A, Team B, Team C and Team D, and depending on which team wins the round, that button will be triggered.